Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
Explore the idea of ‘equilibrium’ and its importance in nature and society, and use this as inspiration to create an original hat or headpiece from sustainable materials.
What is this challenge?
This is a challenge that invites you to unleash your creativity. You will explore the concept of ‘equilibrium’ in various contexts, from biodiversity and climate change to equality and social justice. You will then use these ideas to inspire you in the design of a unique hat or headpiece that could be made of sustainable materials. To help guide you, there is video content from Scottish milliners (hat-makers) Aimee McBride and Hannah Young, as well as tutorials showing you various techniques for making hats and headpieces of different styles.
When can I participate?
Open Now
What happens at the end?
You will receive a certificate of completion, and have the opportunity for your work to appear in an online gallery. A young person aged 16-18 who submits an outstanding piece of work will have the opportunity of work experience or mentoring with a leading Scottish sustainable fashion brand.
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Other Global Challenges
Other Global Challenges
My Community, My Food (Extended Version)
Learn about the foods produced sustainably in your area and create your own exciting, original meal from these local ingredients.
Monumental Reimagining
Design a new monument that tells a story about the identity, values, and history of your community.
A Bioplastic Future
In this project, you will make your own bioplastic material, and design a novel packaging solution to help reduce plastic waste in future
Open Doors to China
Begin learning Mandarin, build your knowledge of Chinese culture and propose a new enterprise in China.
Clean Hands, Good Health
Design your own creative, engaging and sustainable hand-washing device.
My Community, My Food
Learn about the foods produced in your own area and create an original recipe from sustainable local ingredients.