FIDA’s International Sustainability Diploma has launched!

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We’re delighted to announce that FIDA’s new qualification, the International Sustainability Diploma, has been credit-rated at SCQF Level 6, worth 24 points (equivalent to one Higher). This means it is recognised by UCAS, universities, colleges and employers, and will carry international recognition.

The work was supported by funding from Scottish Government – something extremely rare for an independent school, but a measure of the interest in the FIDA model in the context of the Hayward Report and the Learning for Sustainability Action Plan, as well as recognising FIDA’s approach to partnership and collaboration with local authority schools across the country.

Our course outline, available below, gives an overview of the programme. It is true to the founding principles of FIDA: interdisciplinary project-based learning, rooted in the SDGs, co-developed with industry and university partners, designed to develop skills for life and work, and to offer alternative ways to demonstrate and measure attainment.


The Diploma is a national qualification that will be piloted at Dollar Academy and at a small number of other schools in the 2024/25 session ahead of a wider launch in 2025/26.

We are continuing to develop new content for the Diploma, so if you are interested in getting involved, please contact the FIDA team.

Read our course overview here:

International International Sustainability Diploma by FIDA

What is this challenge?


When can I participate?


What happens at the end?



How long will it take?
