Help us Reach Our Fundraising Goal

While thousands of pupils from over 50 local authority schools across Scotland have benefited from taking part in FIDA projects or using our resources since its launch, a significant limiting factor is the lack of a purpose-built educational centre designed to enable and fully realise the potential of our interdisciplinary way of working. Without a dedicated building, we can only offer these opportunities in traditional, single-subject facilities which are not fit-for-purpose for FIDA. What we need now are teaching and learning spaces where young people can think, design, create, test, collaborate and communicate, all integrated under one roof.

As a result, we are fundraising for our Futures Institute building; a pioneering new learning centre, within which our FIDA initiative can thrive. The building, which received planning permission in July 2023, has been designed by world-renowned architect and Dollar Academy Former Pupil Andrew Whalley OBE, and will offer a compelling alternative to traditional classroom settings.

We are working to a total project cost of £12.6m and with over 80% of the required funding in place, the FIDA fundraising campaign has been Dollar Academy’s most successful to date.

But we must not rest on our laurels! Any donation, whatever the level, is hugely appreciated. As a supporter, you will receive updates about the building’s progress, the wider FIDA initiative, and how your support is making a difference. In addition, you will be invited to the building’s opening ceremony.

For donations of £250 and over we are offering you the opportunity to have your name on our Donor Recognition Wall located within the Futures Institute building. This will be a permanent installation and designed by the young people involved in our FIDA challenges. Being on our donor wall means your name will forever be part of the school.

We welcome donations of any size, the following however provides a guide on how your generous gift could help:

You can read more about the Futures Institute and our plans for how we will use the building once it’s up and running by clicking here.

If you would like to make a donation greater than £10,000, please contact our Fundraising Manager Rebecca McFarlane to arrange a meeting:

In addition, there are specific naming opportunities available within the new building – you can learn more by clicking here.

As Dollar Academy is a registered charity, UK residents can make tax-efficient charitable donations via a number of schemes. You can read more about tax-efficient giving by clicking here.

Our donors include Former Pupils, Current Parents, Governors and staff. Below are some of the reasons why they've chosen to support this appeal...

Former Pupil, Class of 1993

"I was really pleased to see the positive outreach aspects of the FIDA project and wanted to contribute to support these aims."

Former Pupil, Class of 2011

"I have very fond memories of my time at Dollar and would be delighted if my donation can be attached to the school. I look forward to visiting the Futures Institute in the years to come and staying connected with the school."

Former Pupil, Class of 1996

"I really like the scope and focus of the FIDA initiative and in particular its offering to school students across Scotland."

Former Pupil, Class of 2003

"The reason behind my donation is mainly due to the FIDA initiative itself. Dollar shaped my science career which up until recently has been Drug Discovery based, both in Academia and in Industry, with interdisciplinary research and multiple collaborations at its core; interdisciplinary sustainable research is one of our main pillar themes and I’m so pleased to see that interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration are at the core of FIDA."

Current Parent

"My children are currently at the school and have enjoyed the use of all the current Dollar facilities. The new Institute building looks fantastic and it's great to see the school moving forward."

Former Pupil, Class of 2003

"The opportunities which The Futures Institute will afford to our young people knows no bounds, so I felt compelled to support this project in the small way I could."

Former Pupil, Class of 1993

"I benefited a lot from my experiences linked to the fantastic provision at Dollar and I like the idea of trying to support more and more children to have access to experiences which will build their resilience and capacity for exciting and useful learning."

Former Pupil, Class of 2006

I was at Dollar when the Maguire building was inaugurated and I remember the excitement of being part of such a momentous occasion, and I am proud to see that less than two decades later we are heading for another ambitious expansion that involves not just a campus update, but also a substantial development for curriculars, extracurriculars, and the Dollar Academy community at large. I am happy to have a practical way of fostering my connection with the school beyond occasionally wearing my school kilt.

Current Parent

"My children are currently at the school and have enjoyed the use of all the current Dollar facilities. The new Institute building looks fantastic and it's great to see the school moving forward."

Former Pupil, Class of 1973

"The FIDA initiative is groundbreaking, timely and setting the school up as a leader in educational practice. I spent the last dozen years at a school in London as the Deputy Head of Academic and understand fully the sort of thinking behind FIDA and its importance. I was in a school which pioneered partnerships with state schools and was proud to serve in its (state-funded) academy at the neighbouring borough when I stepped down as Deputy Head. Between the two schools we sought and worked on many educational initiatives, but not on the scale of your outward-facing ambitions with FIDA. In sum, this was something I felt I could support with conviction."

Corporate Sponsorship

We’d be delighted to discuss bespoke sponsorship and collaboration opportunities available throughout our FIDA initiative and our calendar of fundraising events. This is a unique opportunity for businesses to be part of something exciting and inspirational for our young people. Please contact our Fundraising Manager, Rebecca McFarlane, for more information.